Tuesday 27 October 2009

Statement from Mrs Wetherby

Mrs. Wetherby (Alejandra Jumanya/Rosa Wetherby) had been leasing a full region from Cinthya Loveless for the past few months, where she had her store “Wetherby’s”, as many of you might know, she gives out a daily free outfit, and her store sells clothes for business women, prĂȘt-a-porter for women, men’s clothing, Junior’s, Kid’s, accessories, and much much more.
Her boyfriend at the time (Junkyarddog Yao) helped her get it since he is currently leasing several sims from Cinthya Loveless.

Mrs. Wetherby paid her last rent on the 11th (rent was due on the 13th), due to personal reasons she broke up with Junkyarddog, in a fit of rage he asked Cinthya Loveless (landlady) to hand him over ownership of the land and so she did, thus making him free to destroy the whole sim. Mrs. Wetherby’s store is gone, and might not even be in her inventory anymore. Over 100 hours of work weekly for the past year, all gone thanks to Junk’s inability to being rejected as a man.

Not only he took Wetherby’s, he also deleted about 15 other stores, some which are claiming 5 figure numbers in lost items, which they are demanding Mrs. Wetherby to pay for, besides their rent and expenses.
This is a serious issue, how some people feel untouchable due to the fact they have “power” over the rest of us. Linden Labs will not do a thing, most likely, Cinthya Loveless owns 254 Sims all over the grid and they wouldn’t touch a sacred cow such as her. But we can make our voices heard. Issue a report if you are a customer of Wetherby’s telling them how their wrongdoings has affected you, and how things like this should be stopped. Her ticket number is #4051-6945454.

The abuse must be stopped. Its time we make a change!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I have learned that it is better to rent directly from the Lindens and let them own the land so things like this don't happen. It seems landlords hold all the cards in this game and we are subject to their whims and emotions unfortunately. Again, I am extremely sorry for your loss and hope you are back in operation again soon. (Strawberry Parkin)
